Turning Insights into Actions

As a full-service market research firm, TCG’s goal is to provide actionable study findings to our clients.  Market research is the organized effort to gather and interpret information from targeted markets.  TCG uses statistical and analytical methods and techniques to garner insight and inform our clients’ decision making process.   

Market Research - Qualitative & Quantitative

- Research Study Design
- Data Analysis
- Focus Group Moderation
- Report of Findings
- Online/Telephone Survey
- Message Testing

The wide array of options for market research is expanding, keeping pace with changes in communications channels. Surveys and focus groups are no longer our sole options for gathering quantitative and qualitative data. Emerging platforms provide us with options for more clearly defining and targeting audiences to garner the needed insight.  On every project, TCG  works  as a partner.  We customize our approach, we meet deadlines, and we strategically focus on the bottom line — connecting the market research study findings with our clients’ ultimate decisions.  TCG goes beyond simply giving information about the current state of the consumer.  We quickly deliver a solution-focused product, with actionable next steps based on your business strategy.

Our Clients